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All personal data collected via this website are processed by:
CERGAM - PRODUTOS CERÂMICOS, SOCIEDADE UNIPESSOAL, LDA., Corporate TIN 500536856. Registered in the Commercial Registry Office of Mafra - Portugal. Share Capital: 100,000€.

Data collected via this website is for the processing of information, quote and/or contact requests, statistical analysis, and for being used in direct marketing.

Who can access these data?
Data can be accessed by our company’s administration and those who are authorized by the administration to access such data.
We guarantee the confidentiality of all data provided by the users of this website.
Although we try to collect and process data in a secure way to prevent data loss or manipulation, data provided using public networks (e.g. public Wi-Fi networks) cannot be secured and may be seen and used by unauthorized third parties.
Given Internet’s global nature, data transferred over the Internet might be processed by servers installed anywhere in the world. So, when browsing this website and when interacting with us, users must understand that their data may be processed this way.

All Users have the right to access, rectify, cancel and oppose to the processing of their data. You can be deleted from our database at any time if you want to. To that end, you must send us a request to:
• by e-mail: client@cergamgogreen.com
• by letter sent to: Estrada Velha da Avessada, N.º 3-A • 2665-281 MALVEIRA - PORTUGAL
• by telephone: (+351) 21 9862 540

NOTE: Your personal data may be disclosed in cases where we are required by law.

Aiming at providing a more effective, customized service, our website may use our Cookies or third-party Cookies (that are sent to your computer or device from a domain or web page not controlled by us, but by another entity) to get information from users.


Links to Third-party Websites

Our website has links to other websites that we think might contain information / tools that are useful to our visitors. Our privacy policy does not apply to any third-party websites. This way, please read the privacy policy of such websites in case you visit them. We are not responsible for the privacy policy or contents on those websites.


What are Cookies?
Cookies are informative files stored in your computer or mobile device via your browser that retain information about your preferences, choices, and data.
They are also used to provide information to website owners and third parties that have access to such website.

Cookies Acceptance
By continuing to browse our website, you are accepting the use of Cookies. The use of Cookies may be necessary for proper website operation. Nevertheless, users can configure their computers or devices so that these reject Cookies installation.

What are Cookies for?
Cookies allow for faster, more efficient and customized browsing, e.g. with users not having to enter the same information repeatedly.

What types of Cookies do we use?
We use the Cookies necessary for proper website browsing and to access secure or private areas.
Third-party Cookies may be used by other entities for statistical, security, and functionality purposes, among others.

How can you manage Cookies and disable them?
Although Cookies can help navigate the websites, all Internet browsers allow users to accept, refuse or delete Cookies, namely by selecting the right definitions in their Internet browser.
Users can always deactivate our Cookies, whether partially or completely, even after having authorized their use.

To find out more about Cookies preferences in most popular browsers, please visit the pages below or others that may contain such information:

For other Internet browsers: Please, go to “help” on such browser.

Third-party cookies and Website use statistics

When browsing this website, you may receive other Cookies sent by external entities or third parties (such as Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo, etc.), as well as Cookies from Google Analytics, a tool for getting statistical information about website use.

Click on: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout/  to disable Google Analytics. You can get the add-on for your browser.

NOTE: Please note that the website may not function properly if you deactivate Cookies.

Cookies in emails and newsletters
Our emails and newsletters may also use Cookies for us to know if they were received and if there was any type of interaction.

In case of doubt, please contact us.


CERGAM GO GREEN - Personalized Glass Water Bottles. Reserved rights. Website created by: dordiodesign - Website creator, vectorization of logos and images